Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
526 lines
Copyright (c) S Morphet, 1994
Example program for STEPH library. This program demonstrates some of
the features of Steph. Steph has many other features, described in the
programmers manual.
Compile with Microsoft C as a medium memory model program,
and link to STEPH_M.LIB.
EDITOR.C is an example program showing a text editor working
with Steph.
/* You always need to include steph.h */
/* You may need to change this line to set a path to steph.h */
#include <steph.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Functions in DEMO.C */
/* Various demo functions */
void fn1( void );
void fn2( void );
void fn4( void );
/* Function to finish program */
void fnexit( void );
/* Beep */
void beep(void);
/* Functions to test f1 key in dialogue box */
void passf1( void );
void actf1( void );
/* Functions to perform system level key trapping */
void _mysysfilter( void );
void _mysysaction( void );
/* An initialise function */
void myinit( void );
/* the MAIN function */
void main( void )
/* Steph will try to use the current graphics mode */
/* Here we assume 16 colour text mode is already set. */
/* Initialise Steph */
if ( !_steph_initialise( M_TEXT ) )
perror("Steph couldn't start in the current graphics mode.\n");
/* set up menus and hooked functions */
if( ! _menu_build( 0, "&Test", /* this is the menu title */
"&Dialogue", /* a menu item */
"=", /* horizontal bar across menu */
"&Query", /* another item */
"E&xit.", /* another item */
NULL ) ) /* NULL marks the end of the list */
perror("Unable to build menu 0.\n");
_menu_functions( 0,
(vfnptr)fn1, /* attach our fn1 */
NOFN, /* can't hook to the horiz bar */
(vfnptr)fn4, /* another fn */
(vfnptr)fnexit ); /* attach our exit function */
_menu_helptext( 0,
"Here is text for the bar option", /* help texts */
"Pop up a dialogue box to test",
"Function two doesn't do much",
"Exit the program" );
/* build another menu */
if( ! _menu_build( 1, "^&Squeak", /* the ^ makes this a rhs menu */
"$S&quelch", /* $ means the item starts grey */
"?&Toggle Me!", /* ? means this item is checked */
NULL ) )
perror("Unable to build menu 1.\n");
_menu_functions( 1, /* attach the toggle func. */
NOFN, NOFN, _menu_toggle, NOFN ); /* to the checked item */
_menu_helptext( 1,
"This is the squeak menu",
"Tickly" );
/* these rest of the menus have no attached functions yet */
if( ! _menu_build( 2, "&Whschkiput", "&item", NULL ) )
perror("Unable to build menu 2.\n");
_menu_helptext( 2,
"The noise that a llama makes",
"The item" );
/* this whole menu is greyed */
if( ! _menu_build( 3, "$&Quack", "Duck&1", "Duck&2", NULL ) )
perror("Unable to build menu 3.\n");
_menu_helptext( 3,
"More ducks, need more attack...",
"Top duck",
"Another duck" );
if( ! _menu_build( 4, "T&weet", "ite&m", NULL ) )
perror("Unable to build menu 4.\n");
_menu_helptext( 4,
"This is the tweet menu",
"There is only one bird here" );
/* another on the right hand side */
if( ! _menu_build( 5, "^&Baa", "item&1", "item&2", NULL) )
perror("Unable to build menu 5.\n");
_menu_helptext( 5,
"This is the special wooly sheep menu",
"Sheep 1",
"Sheep 2" );
if( ! _menu_build( 6, "&Nibble", "Don't be &sad!", NULL ) )
perror("Unable to build menu 6.\n");
_menu_helptext( 6,
"Nibble menu",
"Ashumbadiddly!" );
/* Set up pointer to our application initialisation function */
_steph_initialfunction( myinit );
/* Set up the screen windows leaving all the hooks free */
/* i.e. Nothing happens in these windows. */
_window_build( 0, WP_MAIN, 10, "0 The Title", NOFN, NOFN, NOFN );
_window_build( 1, WP_TOP, 2, "1 Topper than you!", NOFN, NOFN, NOFN );
_window_build( 2, WP_TOP, 2, "2 Top Window.", NOFN, NOFN, NOFN );
_window_build( 3, WP_BOT, 3, "3 Bottom Window.", NOFN, NOFN, NOFN );
_window_build( 4, WP_BOT, 3, "4 Right at the bottom.", NOFN, NOFN, NOFN );
/* remember, only window zero, the main window is open by default */
/* fix the top two lines of window 2 */
_window_setfixed( 2, 2 );
/* Set up dialogue boxes */
/* A big dialogue to demo all the controls... */
/* This is dbox zero, centred on the screen, with ten controls. */
/* 60 chars wide, 20 chars deep */
if( !_dbox_build( 0, DB_CENSCR, 60, 20, 10,
NOTEXT, "Help text for the dialogue" ) )
perror("Couldn't build dialogue box 0.\n");
/* Give it some horiz bars, and make dbox1 a dependant */
_dbox_setbars( 0, 6, _NO_BAR );
_dbox_setdependants( 0, 1, _NO_DEPENDANT );
/* remember - lists, combo lists and text should be in DYNAMIC memory */
/* set up some buttons and things... */
/* a non interactive label */
_dbox_c_label( 0, 0, 2, 2, "This is a label." );
/* a button, the dialogue closes when it is pressed */
_dbox_c_button( 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, "&OK", EXIT, NOFN );
/* a button, closes the dialogue without restoring data */
_dbox_c_button( 0, 2, 2, 5, 9, "&Cancel", ESCAPE, NOFN );
/* a button, opens another dialogue via fn2 */
_dbox_c_button( 0, 3, 2, 8, 9, "&Another", NOEXIT, (vfnptr)fn2 );
/* a check box, begins checked */
_dbox_c_check( 0, 4, 2, 10, "Chec&k me!", 1 , NOFN );
/* a set of three radio buttons - long line ->> */
_dbox_c_radio( 0, 5, _s_buildradiolist("\x1b\x01\x00\x00\x00Text&1\0\x1b\x02\x00\x00\x00T&wo\0\x1b\x03\x00\x00\x01Three&3\0\0"), 0, NOFN );
/* an editable text box */
_dbox_c_text( 0, 6, 0x1b, 5, 12, "&Text box",
(char*)_s_strdup("TTKFaster4"), NOFN, NOFN );
/* a vertical list, empty so Steph will ignore it... */
_dbox_c_list( 0, 7, 0x1b, 8, 20, 4, 6, DBL_VSCROLL, "&Vertical List",
_s_buildlist(""), EXIT, NOFN, NOFN );
/* a horizontal list, not empty - long line >>>> */
_dbox_c_list( 0, 8, 2, 13, 20, 2, 6, DBL_HSCROLL, "&Horizontal List",
_s_buildlist("Atem1\0Btem2\0Ctem3\0Dtem4\0Etem5\0Ftem6\0Atem7\0Htem8\0Item9\0"), NOEXIT, NOFN, NOFN );
/* a combo box, exits dialogue when selection made */
_dbox_c_combo( 0, 9, 0x1b, 17, 10, 3, 3, "Co&mbo",
_s_buildlist("Item1\0Item2\0Item3\0Item4\0"), EXIT, NOFN, NOFN );
/* Keystroke filter and action function for dialogue zero */
_dbox_set_global_keys( 0, passf1, actf1 );
/* Another dialogue. A dependant of dbox 0. */
if( !_dbox_build( 1, DB_CENSCR, 30, 12, 3,
NOTEXT, "Click OK to continue." ) )
perror("Couldn't build dialogue 1.\n");
_dbox_c_label( 1, 0, 2, 2, "Dialogue 1." );
_dbox_c_button( 1, 1, 2, 5, 6, "&OK", EXIT, NOFN );
_dbox_c_check( 1, 2, 2, 8, "&Data!", 0, NOFN );
/* A third dialogue - maybe you pressed F1 for online help? */
if( !_dbox_build( 2, DB_CENSCR, 30, 6, 2, "Help", "Joking?" ) )
perror("Couldn't build dialogue 2.\n");
_dbox_c_label( 2, 0, 2, 2, "No Help available!" );
_dbox_c_button( 2, 1, 2, 4, 6, "&OK", EXIT, NOFN );
/* Set the speed bar buttons, and attach the beep function to
the rest of the bar. */
_speed_button_set( 0, "ALT=Menu", TRUE, _menu_go );
_speed_button_set( 1, "One", TRUE, NOFN );
_speed_button_set( 2, "Another", TRUE, NOFN );
_speed_clickfn( (vfnptr)beep );
/* Set up filter and action functions for system level keytraps */
_window_setsyskey( (vfnptr)_mysysfilter, (vfnptr)_mysysaction );
/* Ask for one line of tool bar space */
_toolbar_reserve( 1 );
/* Set up a button, a toggle and a combo on the tool bar */
_toolbar_set_button( 0, 0, 2, "<Button>", NOFN );
_toolbar_set_toggle( 1, 0, 12, "<Toggle>", ON, NOFN, NOFN );
/* this is a long line >>>> */
_toolbar_set_combo( 2, 0, 22, 10, 8, "Combo", _s_buildlist("One\0Two\0Three\0Four\0Five\0Six\0Seven\0Eight\0Nine\0Ten\0Eleven\0"), 0, NOFN );
/* give control to steph */
/* if execution reaches this point, it is because no menus or windows
had been defined, and Steph refused to start. */
/* The program usually ends when fnexit() (below) is called from
the menu */
/* a function to make a beep */
void beep(void) { printf("\a"); }
/* open dialogue box zero */
void fn1( void ) { _dbox_go( 0 ); }
/* open dialogue box one */
void fn2( void ) { _dbox_go( 1 ); }
/* open a query box, and report on the result with a flash box */
void fn4( void )
char *text;
/* build and open the query using dialogue 3 as a store */
switch (_query_box( DB_CENSCR,
_s_buildlist("Some text\0Some more text\0"),
_s_buildlist( "Button1\0But2\0" ), "Helptext" ) )
case QB_NONE:
text =_s_buildlist("No button was pressed\0Press a key.\0");
case 0:
text = _s_buildlist("The first button was pressed\0Press a key.\0");
case 1:
text = _s_buildlist("The second button was pressed\0Press a key.\0");
/* display the result */
_flash_box( DB_CENSCR, text );
/* wait for a key, then remove it from the buffer */
/* an exit function like this is the only way out of Steph. */
void fnexit( void )
/* the initialise function, runs just after steph_go is called */
void myinit( void )
/* open the other windows that we built */
_window_open( 1, OPEN );
_window_open( 2, OPEN );
_window_open( 3, OPEN );
_window_open( 4, OPEN );
/* make 2 the active window */
_window_make_active( 2 );
/* put some text into window 2, make the window bigger to see it all */
_wb_newline( 2 );
_wb_settext( 2, _s_strdup("Wombat.") );
_wb_newline( 2 );
_wb_settext( 2, _s_strdup("Mongoose.") );
_wb_newline( 2 );
_wb_settext( 2, _s_strdup("Aardvark.") );
_wb_newline( 2 );
_wb_settext( 2, _s_strdup("Gerbil.") );
_wb_newline( 2 );
_wb_settext( 2, _s_strdup("Cat.") );
_wb_newline( 2 );
_wb_settext( 2, _s_strdup("Pigeon.") );
_wb_newline( 2 );
_wb_settext( 2, _s_strdup("Other animals.") );
/* insert a blank line after line 2 (Aardvark) */
_wb_gotoline( 2, 2 );
/* update the windows after having opened them etc. */
/* filter for system keystrokes - pass only F1: 00,59 dec 00,3b hex */
void _mysysfilter( void )
/* reset the 'match found' flag */
_window_spec.syskeyflag = FALSE;
/* set the flag if the key is F1 */
if( _window_spec.key1 == 0 )
if( _window_spec.key2 == 59 )
_window_spec.syskeyflag = TRUE;
/* open dialogue 2 if F1 is pressed */
/* note system keystrokes are inhibited when dialogues are open */
void _mysysaction( void )
switch( _window_spec.key1 )
case 0:
switch( _window_spec.key2 )
case 59:
_dbox_go( 2 );
/* dialogue keystroke filter for dialogue 0 */
/* pass the F1 key only - c.f. _mysysfilter above */
void passf1( void )
/* pass only f1 for dbx global keys */
if( ( _dbox_spec.filter_key != 0 ) || ( _dbox_spec.filter_key2 != 59) )
_dbox_spec.filter_key = 0;
_dbox_spec.filter_key2 = 0;
/* open dialogue 1 if F1 pressed in dialogue */
/* note system keystrokes are inhibited when dialogues are open */
void actf1( void )
/* call a dbox if you press f1 in this dbox */
_dbox_go( 1 );
/* end of DEMO.C */
/* there are a number of other functions... */
/* read the manual file STEPH.DOC, and see EDITOR.C for more information */